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              1. <blockquote id='YAuYuF'><q id='YAuYuF'><noscript id='YAuYuF'></noscript><dt id='YAuYuF'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='YAuYuF'><i id='YAuYuF'></i>

                Service Engineer

                Job Responsibilities:

                1. Assist the sales manager in contract review and follow-up, dock with the warehouse and finance department to receive and deliver goods, and follow up logistics information;
                2. Responsible for the management, classification, sorting, filing and storage of the company's sales contracts and other marketing documents.
                3. Complete other tasks temporarily assigned by the sales manager

                Job requirements:

                1. Age 22-33 years old, technical secondary school or above, more than one year of sales experience;
                2. Have strong communication skills, affinity, lively and cheerful personality, teamwork spirit, strong execution ability;
                3. Have a keen market Insight, strong sense of professionalism, responsibility and positive work attitude;
                4. Those with relevant mechanical industry and related job experience are preferred.

                Company benefits:

                1. Sign a labor contract and purchase five social security insurance;
                2. Annual 1-2 salary adjustment opportunities, quarterly bonus, year-end bonus, special project R & D award, etc.
                3. Enjoy paid national legal holidays: New Year's Day, Spring Festival, Qingming Festival , Labor Day, Dragon Boat Festival, National Day, Mid-Autumn Festival;
                4. Enjoy paid leave: annual leave, wedding leave, bereavement leave, maternity leave, paternity leave, maternity leave, etc.
                5. Regular and irregular, diverse employee training;
                6 . The company allocates funds for employee activities and organizes various forms of employee activities and irregular dinners in units of departments;
                7. The company organizes irregular badminton events;
                8. Annual employee travel.


                Job Responsibilities:

                1. Assist the sales manager in contract review and follow-up, dock with the warehouse and finance department to receive and deliver goods, and follow up logistics information;
                2. Responsible for the management, classification, sorting, filing and storage of the company's sales contracts and other marketing documents .
                3. Complete other tasks temporarily assigned by the sales manager

                Job requirements:

                1. Age 22-33 years old, technical secondary school or above, more than one year of sales experience;
                2. Have strong communication skills, affinity, lively and cheerful personality, teamwork spirit, strong execution ability;
                3. Have a keen market Insight, strong sense of professionalism, responsibility and positive work attitude;
                4. Those with relevant mechanical industry and related job experience are preferred.

                Company benefits:

                1. Sign a labor contract and purchase five social security insurance;
                2. Annual 1-2 salary adjustment opportunities, quarterly bonus, year-end bonus, special project R & D award, etc.
                3. Enjoy paid national legal holidays: New Year's Day, Spring Festival, Qingming Festival , Labor Day, Dragon Boat Festival, National Day, Mid-Autumn Festival;
                4. Enjoy paid leave: annual leave, wedding leave, bereavement leave, maternity leave, paternity leave, maternity leave, etc.
                5. Regular and irregular, diverse employee training;
                6 . The company allocates funds for employee activities and organizes various forms of employee activities and irregular dinners in units of departments;
                7. The company organizes irregular badminton events;
                8. Annual employee travel.

                Assembly fitter

                Job Responsibilities:

                1. Assist the sales manager in contract review and follow-up, dock with the warehouse and finance department to receive and deliver goods, and follow up logistics information;
                2. Responsible for the management, classification, sorting, filing and storage of the company's sales contracts and other marketing documents.
                3. Complete other tasks temporarily assigned by the sales manager

                Job requirements:

                1. Age 22-33 years old, technical secondary school or above, more than one year of sales experience;
                2. Have strong communication skills, affinity, lively and cheerful personality, teamwork spirit, strong execution ability;
                3. Have a keen market Insight, strong sense of professionalism, responsibility and positive work attitude;
                4. Those with relevant mechanical industry and related job experience are preferred.

                Company benefits:

                1. Sign a labor contract and purchase five social security insurance;
                2. Annual 1-2 salary adjustment opportunities, quarterly bonus, year-end bonus, special project R & D award, etc.
                3. Enjoy paid national legal holidays: New Year's Day, Spring Festival, Qingming Festival , Labor Day, Dragon Boat Festival, National Day, Mid-Autumn Festival;
                4. Enjoy paid leave: annual leave, wedding leave, bereavement leave, maternity leave, paternity leave, maternity leave, etc.
                5. Regular and irregular, diverse employee training;
                6 . The company allocates funds for employee activities and organizes various forms of employee activities and irregular dinners in units of departments;
                7. The company organizes irregular badminton events;
                8. Annual employee travel.

                Mechanical Engineers

                Job Responsibilities:

                1. Assist the sales manager with contract review and follow-up, dock with the warehouse and finance department to receive and deliver goods, and follow up logistics information;
                2. Responsible for the management, classification, arrangement, filing and storage of the company's sales contracts and other marketing documents.
                3. Complete other tasks temporarily assigned by the sales manager

                Job requirements:

                1. Age 22-33 years old, technical secondary school or above, more than one year sales experience;
                2. Strong communication skills, affinity, lively and cheerful personality, teamwork spirit, strong execution ability;
                3. Have keen market insight, strong professionalism, responsibility and positive work attitude;
                4. Those with relevant mechanical industry and related job experience are preferred.

                Company benefits:

                1. Sign a labor contract and purchase five social security insurance;
                2. Annual 1-2 salary adjustment opportunities, quarterly bonus, year-end bonus, special project R & D award, etc .;
                3. Enjoy paid national holidays: New Year's Day, Spring Festival, Ching Ming Festival, Labor Day, Dragon Boat Festival, National Day, Mid-Autumn Festival;
                4. Enjoy paid leave: annual leave, marriage leave, funeral leave, maternity leave, paternity leave, maternity leave, etc .;
                5. Regular and irregular employee training;
                6. The company allocates funds for employee activities, organizes various employee activities and irregular dinners in units of departments;
                7. The company organizes badminton events from time to time;
                8. Staff annual travel.

                Sales Assistant

                Job Responsibilities:

                1. Assist the sales manager with contract review and follow-up, dock with the warehouse and finance department to receive and deliver goods, and follow up logistics information;
                2. Responsible for the management, classification, arrangement, filing and storage of the company's sales contracts and other marketing documents.
                3. Complete other tasks temporarily assigned by the sales manager

                Job requirements:

                1. Age 22-33 years old, technical secondary school or above, more than one year sales experience;
                2. Strong communication skills, affinity, lively and cheerful personality, teamwork spirit, strong execution ability;
                3. Have keen market insight, strong professionalism, responsibility and positive work attitude;
                4. Those with relevant mechanical industry and related job experience are preferred.

                Company benefits:

                1. Sign labor contract and purchase five social insurance;
                2. Annual 1-2 salary adjustment opportunities, quarterly bonus, year-end bonus, special project R & D award, etc .;
                3. Enjoy paid national holidays: New Year's Day, Spring Festival, Ching Ming Festival, Labor Day, Dragon Boat Festival, National Day, Mid-Autumn Festival;
                4. Enjoy paid leave: annual leave, marriage leave, funeral leave, maternity leave, paternity leave, maternity leave, etc .;
                5. Regular and irregular employee training;
                6. The company allocates funds for employee activities, organizes various employee activities and irregular dinners in units of departments;
                7. The company organizes badminton events from time to time;
                8. Staff annual travel.
                • Miss Wu:
                • Miss Zhou: